<aside> 🌕 Full-Time Open Positions


Customer Success Specialist

<aside> 🌙 Internship Open Positions


Sales Intern (FR/NL)

Digital Marketing Intern (FR/NL)

<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/1b237d65-607e-4a44-8963-3951e26c0389/plugnotes_logo_RGB.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/1b237d65-607e-4a44-8963-3951e26c0389/plugnotes_logo_RGB.png" width="40px" /> About Plugnotes


Founded end of 2019 by Vincent and Camille De Bruyn, Plugnotes facilitates the mobile capture and effective use of information with digital forms! Plugnotes is a plug-and-play SaaS solution that digitizes workflows for SMEs in the distribution, production, and logistics sectors.

Our clients are looking to optimize the operational processes within their teams and with third parties quickly and flexibly. Unlike ERP and specific solutions, Plugnotes does not require technical skills nor heavy investments. It can also integrate with any other solution.

We secured our first funding raised in November 2022, and we have very cool clients such as Brussels Beer project, the Barn Bio Market, or Facq! 🍻

This year, we are managing challenging growth and extending our team with the right profiles. 🚀

Camille de Bruyn, CEO & Co-Founder

Camille de Bruyn, CEO & Co-Founder